Ethical and Responsible AI at AnyVision

The ethical use of Artificial Intelligence sits at the heart of everything we do at AnyVision. From designing balanced data sets and creating game-changing privacy features to supporting regulation of the entire industry, we strive to provide the best possible technology that serves as a major benefit to society.


Privacy is of the utmost importance to AnyVision. Our focus on privacy protection is instrumental to both our business strategy and our own standard of ethics.

AnyVision does not collect or share user data. In fact, we don’t even capture images. The data that we capture is rendered using mathematical vectors that act as secure cryptography, preventing identity hacking even if data is stolen.

In order to provide our clients with the necessary tools to meet local and regulatory privacy requirements, we’ve designed several features that:

  • Allow the application of default privacy settings, like face-blurring and privacy mode, which ignore unknown individuals
  • Allow only the collection of data that is strictly necessary for the purposes of data processing (data minimization)
  • Allow customers to automatically and/or selectively clear data from an active database at the end of a certain period, or to easily delete unused data

These privacy protections are a significant leap forward against the backdrop of an estimated 600 million existing video cameras blindly recording and storing every move a person makes in cities across the globe


We recognize that such powerful technology has the potential to be misused if placed in the wrong hands, and that we have an inherent responsibility to ensure our technology and products are used properly. As stated in our end-user license agreement, all customers are prohibited from using the technology for inappropriate, improper or unlawful purposes.

Additionally, we will soon announce an AI Ethics Advisory Board comprised of external experts both inside and outside of our field that will:

  • Collaboratively help establish AnyVision’s AI Ethics Guiding Principles, and serve as a third-party check and balance to ensure adoption and adherence
  • Guide AnyVision through the challenges that arise as part of our work and business
  • Contribute to public discussion around the topic by exchanging ideas and raising awareness of potential challenges
  • Advise on fair and responsible development and use of the technology

At Border Crossings

Much has been made publicly regarding facial recognition at border crossings, with misleading information and suggestions of surveillance and human rights abuses.

In reality, AnyVision’s facial recognition systems at border crossings work in the same way and for the same purposes as they do in airports, for example. For commuters and others who want to simply cross country borders, facial recognition drastically decreases wait times at border crossings. The other advantage is that they provide an unbiased safeguard at the border to detect and deter persons who have committed unlawful activities.

Algorithmic Bias & Discrimination

We believe a truly effective solution is only as valuable as the design and training of its algorithms. We pay close attention to which data sets we use and how we annotate that data, utilizing scenarios as diverse as the world itself. We strive to train our algorithm with the most well-balanced data sets possible, enabling our technology to be agnostic to ethnicity, skin color and gender, in addition to functioning in occluded and low-lit environments.


As mentioned before, powerful technology like facial recognition has the ability to be misused when guidelines are not put in place. We have invested millions of dollars to ensure our technology not only complies with, but exceeds, local laws and regulations concerning privacy (such as GDPR) and are in favor of regulation where none currently exists. We have supported the proposed facial recognition legislation in the U.S. Senate and will continue to advocate for regulations in geographies where we do business.

Nothing is more important to AnyVision than ensuring we are providing a truly beneficial technology without compromising on ethical practices. As we move forward, we will uphold these principles and pave the way for other industry players to follow.

About the Author

Powered by Vision AI, Oosto provides actionable intelligence to keep your customers, employees, and visitors safe.

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